名稱 | Glucagon EIA 胰高血糖素檢測試劑盒 |
型號 | |
更新時間 | 2023-09-25 |
特點 | Glucagon EIA 胰高血糖素檢測試劑盒背景介紹:Mercodia Glucagon ELISA is an assay intended to measure the pancreatichormone glucagon in plasma and serum.} |
產(chǎn)品展示 / PRODUCTS

- 詳細內(nèi)容
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 貨號 | 10-1271-01 |
供貨周期 | 現(xiàn)貨 | 應用領域 | 醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生,化工 |
Glucagon EIA 胰高血糖素檢測試劑盒背景介紹:
Mercodia Glucagon ELISA is an assay intended to measure the pancreatic hormone glucagon in plasma and serum.
Glucagon EIA 胰高血糖素檢測試劑盒Summary and explanation of the test
Glucagon is a 29 amino acid polypeptide processed from proglucagon (residues33-61) in pancreatic alpha cells. In intestinal L-cells proglucagon is cleaved intoglicentin, corresponding to proglucagon residues no. 1-69. Glicentin can furtherbe processed into oxyntomodulin, corresponding to proglucagon residues no.33-69. Moreover, a fragment of glucagon corresponding to its C-terminal part(residues no. 19-29), also designated mini-glucagon, is reported to be present inthe pancreas in low amounts compared to the total glucagon content.Mercodia Glucagon ELISA was launched in 2013 and has since contributedto advancing research by, for the first time, allowing specific and sensitivemeasurements of glucagon. A few years later, a glicentin ELISA was launchedthat made it possible to accurately measure circulating glicentin, and with helpof this assay it was shown that levels of glicentin are increasing during an oGTTin gastrectomy patients to levels not seen in any patient group before1,2. Levels ofoxyntomodulin are also increasing, but not to the same extent. When such highlevels of glicentin appear in the circulation, also a low cross-reactivity will disturbthe measurement of glucagon and give rise to falsely high levels.After discussions with different research groups a sequential protocol wasdeveloped that removes the small amount of cross-reactivity to glicentin. As ofOctober 1st 2020, the assay protocol of Mercodia Glucagon ELISA 10-1271-01 isupdated to make the sequential protocol default, abolishing cross reactivity toglicentin.In general, glucagon has an effect opposite that of insulin, i.e. it raises bloodglucose levels. It causes the liver to convert glycogen into glucose, which isthen released into the blood stream. With longer stimulation, glucagon actionin the liver results in a glucose-sparing activation of free fatty acid oxidationand production of ketones. During hypoglycaemia, glucagon secretion offers aprotective feedback mechanism, defending the organism against damaging effectsof glucose deficiency in the brain and nerves.
Glucagon EIA 胰高血糖素檢測試劑盒Principle of the procedure
Mercodia Glucagon ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the glucagon molecule. Duringthe first incubation glucagon in the sample reacts with anti-glucagon antibodiesbound to microplate wells. After washing, peroxidase conjugated anti-glucagonantibodies are added. After a second incubation and a simple washing step, thebound conjugate is detected by reaction with 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB).The reaction is stopped by adding acid to give a colorimetric endpoint that is readspectrophotometrically.